When your employees thrive, your whole organization thrives!

Intro to Meditation

An interactive class where the basics of meditation will be explained in a practical way: the how, the when, and the where? We will dive into a 20-minute meditation with a Q & A at the end of the session. This will create a foundation for beginners and experienced alike.

Chair Yoga

This is a relaxing session in which we will explore powerful yoga poses and breathwork in a seated position or supported by a chair. The flow includes synching our breaths with body movement to provide a reset in the middle of the day. This accessible Yoga is perfect for those who spend most of their time in a chair.

Restorative & Yin Yoga

A gentle yet very powerful session where the body’s calm cascade will be activated. Specific poses, supported by props and combined with active stretches, are held for extended periods of time that will promote deep relaxation. The session can be paired with singing bowls.

Sound Meditation

Sounds are used to promote focus, mindfulness, and deep relaxation. With the help of singing bowls and breath, the person will enter a deep meditation state that will renew and replenish the state of body, mind, and spirit.

Lunch & Learn

A session where co-workers get together and have a light lunch while a wellness subject is explored casually yet thoughtfully. Topics may include Ayurveda, Personal Development, Breathing, and Mindfulness.

Wellness Experience

From Sound Baths sessions to a full Healthy Week, we will tailor and curate your corporate wellness experience or event according to your needs. We bridge practitioners, facilitaros and , wellness speakers to holistic wellness experiences for properties and corporations.